Tag Archives: photographs

Staring at the Same Sky

I’ve been watching the same skyline for the past three weeks and I’ve started to find it a bit comforting. Something that I don’t need to really think about “what’s going on there?” because it is so familiar. But also, not something I have to say “I don’t care about what is going on there”, […]

In the Eye of the Storm

Let’s just say the the past week and a half have been “relatively busy”. You know, the kind of “relatively busy” that ends in a 14 hour slumber from 20.00 Friday to 10.30 Saturday, ^.^ 아이고! Thus, yesterday and today have been put to good use in relaxation, with this afternoon’s trek around the city […]

This is San Francisco

I’m back. Back in San Francisco, that is. Almost exactly two years ago I left this city with a plan. That plan didn’t make it very far, but ironically it is in pursuit of finishing the MFA in Sweden that I left California for that has brought me back. This time, instead of working in […]