Where you seek adventure, you will find it. If perhaps you wanted to turn an indulgent ritual into an epic tale, then you need do no more than put your mind to it. It’s no secret that I’m a great consumer (but not connoisseur) of ice cream and I’m glad that my friend, Ming, is […]
I saw this movie tonight (I won’t say which one to avoid any spoilers) about life and death, but mostly life as a result of the knowledge of impending death. Heavy shit, right? Actually, it was light hearted enough to make you laugh at the heaviness of death, yet heavy enough to make you feel […]
I’ve been watching the same skyline for the past three weeks and I’ve started to find it a bit comforting. Something that I don’t need to really think about “what’s going on there?” because it is so familiar. But also, not something I have to say “I don’t care about what is going on there”, […]
She was 16 and he in his mid 30s, maybe a little bit weird but it worked—they were together until he passed away, leaving her without the partner that she had experienced her entire life with. It was an arranged marriage, but the kind of togetherness they had is unlike what many are able to […]
Let’s just say the the past week and a half have been “relatively busy”. You know, the kind of “relatively busy” that ends in a 14 hour slumber from 20.00 Friday to 10.30 Saturday, ^.^ 아이고! Thus, yesterday and today have been put to good use in relaxation, with this afternoon’s trek around the city […]
The past few weeks at work have been pretty serious crunch time, so a quick trip back to visit my parents in Maryland over the Labor Day weekend was a welcome retreat. For the most part, just like every time before, not much changed in Maryland. The suburbs are still quiet and the summer is […]
Much can be said for the instant gratification that digital brings to our lives, but don’t tell that to my Fuji Instax Mini (right side, second from top). And while image processing can become more akin to an exact science or art form, nothing can replicate the feel of light rendered through low-quality 1950s glass […]
When work ends, the day just begins. I think that should be a mantra of mine, because in the four hours since I’ve left the office I feel like an entire days worth of events have unfolded. My first thought upon getting to my apartment was, “Well, now what the eff do I do?” One […]
It’s been 82 days since I’ve had any real semblance of true moments alone. By alone, I don’t mean psuedo-roommates left for a weekend, friend went to the market, slept in a room separate from another person, or walked home alone from the office. No, those are moments of solitude when you can find ephemeral […]
This past week flew by incredibly fast. Daily routines of waking up at 8, going to work from 9-5 or 6 and then relaxing in the evenings brings with it a certain rhythm for life. It might have to do with me being put onto a project at work or that the newness of being in San […]